Well, Spring on the calendar has come, but old man winter just had to show off a little bit and we awoke to snow on Saturday. Big, fluffy, Christmas movies kind of snowflakes and Mt. Sant'Egidio was liberally sprinkled down past Santa Margherita Church. Spring is here however, and the days are longer. The sun is rising earlier, setting sooner and we've got lots of new things happening here as well. Some of you might be reading our blog for the first time as we are now linked to our official site www.casachilenne.com which our Webmaster Simone Mozzorecchi published a week or so ago. We have nice pictures, maps to show where we are, the Cortona webcam is up and running again, although they've changed the angulation, so you basically just see the pavement, although our front door is still visible in the upper right hand corner.
Our first winter was filled with more action than we thought. We had a full house at new year's and even ran into old work colleagues from France among our guests. The "Cortona Inverno" promotion seemed to have some following and we were grateful for the offering of the theater and concert events. "Cortona in Love" the Valentine's Day event was well received and has inspired an encore to the chocolate market which will include demonstrations! on Sunday, April 5th.
The "Festa della Donna" on March 8, found Cortona filled with visitors and some nice pre-Spring weather. It left us with some great ideas for activities for our guests this summer.
Here are a few of the things that happened around Casa Chilenne this winter-
Luciano's dad celebrated his 93rd birthday! Tanti Auguri Oberdan!
Antonella's award winning St. Valentine's window displays!
So we're ready for Spring- April is filling-up fast and May starting to bring us many new visitors as well as repeat guests! September is always high season and we've been taking reservations since last year. OK Spring we're ready for you!
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